Oliver Hart 2016诺贝尔经济学奖折桂- Games 期刊主编发来贺词
发表时间:2016-10-17 阅读量:3505
Games 期刊的主编 Ulrich Berger(维也纳经济大学)贺词全文: 90年代末, 我由数学转修经济学。在这个领域里所接触的第一门课程,是波恩大学暑期所开设的契约理论,也是博弈论的重要分支领域之一。即便日后,我不再深入研究契约理论,但依旧对这一领域念念不忘。直到三年前,欣闻 Tim Worrall 准备在 Games 杂志建立“契约理论”相关特刊。这个特刊佳作云集,Oliver Hart 的好文(Noncontractible Investments and Reference Points, Games 4 (3), 437-456, 2013)也在其中。时光证明了Games 期刊的前瞻性,就在几天前,作者 Oliver Hart,与 Bengt Holmström 一同荣获瑞典国家银行纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔设立的经济学奖,也就是我们所熟知的诺贝尔经济学奖。在此谨代表 Games 期刊,衷心祝贺两位获奖者。
When I switched from mathematics to economics at the end of the 1990ies, my first formal training in this discipline was at a summer school organized by Bonn university on an important subfield of game theory known as contract theory. While I never actually worked in this field, I kept a nostalgic relationship with it. Three years ago I was pleased to hear that Tim Worrall was willing to guest edit a special issue of Games on Contract Theory. Amongst other interesting work, this issue also contained an excellent paper by Oliver Hart (Noncontractible Investments and Reference Points, Games 4 (3), 437-456, 2013). Games proved to be ahead of time: A few days ago, Oliver Hart, together with Bengt Holmström, won the 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, better known as the Nobel Prize in Economics. On behalf of Games I heartily congratulate both winners!